Detective Pikachu Opening Weekend Box Office Tracking

United States Box Office Prediction for Detective Pikachu

Box Office predictions for Detective Pikachu are moving in an upward trend. We're still on track for another billion dollar film in 2019. Yesterday, Ryan Reynolds tweeted out a new trailer for the film set to "What a Wonderful World" by Louis Armstrong. If you haven't seen the new trailer, the clip is at the bottom of this post.

Poster for Detective Pikachu, a movie that will be released on May 10th, 2019.
The newest poster for Detective Pikachu.
Detective Pikachu will be released in the United States on May 10th, 2019.

The CGI in the Detective Pikachu trailers has impressed me each time. You can really feel immersed in this world they've designed for the movie. I think Detective Pikachu will attract families that might steer clear of the realistic Lion King movie set for release mid-summer. I agree with a tweet that I came across that says "CGI Pokémon in Detective Pikachu are more believable as living animals than the "realistically" rendered animals in the Lion King remake". The newest Pokemon film is designed to be a family-friend film, while the newest Lion King film appeals to 20, 30, and 40-somethings that are seeking sophisticated media to occupy their attention.

Previously, I said Detective Pikachu would earn a minimum of $80 million dollars during the opening weekend. Current box office tracking has Detective Pikachu opening with a $90 Million dollar opening. My first prediction was too conservative. My current box office prediction for the opening weekend of Detective Pikachu is $135 Million dollars, at least. The tracking for Detective Pikachu could curb a bit after the movie premieres in Japan on May 3rd. Pokemon resonates with people across different cultures and languages, but Detective Pikachu will propel the brand into the 2020's.
