Dr. King on Civil Rights in 1967

MLK on the Future of Civil Rights

"I was led to non-violence for deep moral reasons..."

This is an interesting video. It was recorded within the year Dr. King was assassinated. I had this in my watch later section on Youtube for months and I made time to watch this. Dr. King talks about the practical reasons he chose non-violence as an organizing method. His observation about America in 1967 - increased segregation in schools in the north; economic isolation of black Americans; the existence of racism in America. Dr. King believes that white Americans are only looking for an "installment plan" when advocating for racial equality. 

I think Black Americans continue to suffer from the disparities Dr. King identifies in this video. Much of the data shows that the progress has not been linear. The disparities in 1967 aren't different than 2022. We continue to exist in a culture that sells the "bootstrap" story. Dr. King points out that there are economic, human and education disparities that hold back Americans from living a life of full citizenship. I believe that these disparities continue to hold people back. My life is the exception to the rule, not the norm. 
