Detective Pikachu was a test of the Pokemon Brand.

Detective Pikachu could've made more money at the box office. This is the biggest disappointment of 2019.  Millions of people played and were active with Pokémon Go, but this attention did not translate into box office sales. Unfortunately, critics reviews of Detective Pikachu were not in the movie's favor. Detective Pikachu has a 67% score on Rotten Tomatoes and only earned  $430 million worldwide. The box office performance of Detective Pikachu is not that bad when you view the film as an experiment for the Pokemon brand.

I expected more from Detective Pikachu. When I saw the film in theaters, I was more entertained by the beautiful CGI world than the plot of the film. The designs of the Pokemon really make this film worth watching. If you were hesitant on seeing this movie, you should just because this CGI feels groundbreaking in many ways. I appreciate that Warner Brothers and The Pokemon Company hired graphic designers who built an online following by drawing life-like Pokemon characters.

Justice Smith and Kathryn Newton did a good job rounding out the cast. But Ryan Reynolds as Pikachu was funny, witty, and family-friendly. I wonder how many kids realize that Ryan Reynolds plays the R-Rated Deadpool or how many parents don't realize their tech-savvy kids have seen Deadpool. His voice-over work makes the film worth watching.

Unfortunately, I predicted Detective Pikachu would be a billion-dollar film. Many users on /r/boxoffice predicted that Pokemons first live-action movie could join the billion-dollar movie club as well. Most of the hype for Warner Brothers pet project was out of loyalty to the Pokemon brand and excitement for the first trailer.

Moving into the 2020's, we know that a sequel to Detective Pikachu was greenlit and is being written buy 22 Jump Street writer Oren Uziel. We should treat Detective as an experiment for the Pokemon brand and not as a reaction to the success of Pokemon Go. Based on this first foray, I think WB can learn from their first rodeo and create a captivating story for the Pokemon that will have global appeal. The box office numbers for Detective Pikachu only tell a part of the story of this multi-billion dollar franchise. In reality, Detective Pikachu was an experiment for the world's next cinematic universe.
